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ROTACIÓN is aimed to develop innovative and flexible technologies for the repair of large components subjected to wear in the wind power sector – IN852A 2016/80

  • In the framework of the project a procedure for the repair of big size components trough laser technology has been developed, as well as a flexible and transportable system that allows the application in situ of structural resins. These solutions had lead to the recovery of components that would be scrap nowadays, keeping quality standards and reducing actual repair times.
  • The developed solutions can be implemented on a large scale by the middle of 2018.
  • This project is part of ConectaPEME 2016 Programme, the project consortium is led by  SIEMENS GAMESA (SGRE) and is completed by ACEMETAL, TECDISMA, GALVENTUS y PULTEC. AIMEN participates as a collaborating entity.

The main objective of the ROTACIÓN Project is to develop innovative and flexible technologies for the repair of large components subject to wear, such as wind turbine transmision elements. Thus is aimed to increase their service life and minimize times and costs of the repair by overcoming the main barriers related with the recovery of these components, which limit profitability and efficiency of wind turbines.

Currently, The repair for wear of these components involves two ways of action: recovery by means of locking/machining (only in some cases) or total replacement of the piece. The first case is a phenomenon that currently limits the durability of the transmision system components common to all wind farms. In this sense, ROTACIÓN will allow to maintain the  profitability ot the Galician wind power repair sector and will also favor the implementation of high added value processes.

Main Milestones achieved

Within the framework of ROTACIÓN project new processes for the repair of large components of the wind turbine transimision system based on laser reload/recharging technology have been developed, by applying powdered material. Research has been carried out regarding the repair of components through structural resins, designing an automated application system that inlcudes heating systems to guarantee the proper fluidity during application and several interchangeable nozzles depending on the size of the area to be repaired.

Very possitive results have been obtained by using these two processes. A reduction in the repair times has been achieved by the recovery of/recovering components with both technologies, pieces have been repaired using both technologies, keeping the same properties as the base material) and it has been created an easily transported repair system that allows the application in situ of structural resins. All the solutions can be implemented on a large scale by the middle of 2018.

In addition to its application in both onshore and offshore wind power sectors, these developments can be transferred to the repair of large components in the metal-mechanical, aeronautical, naval and petrochemical sectors.

Cross-sectoral collaboration

The ROTACIÓN project, which has a Budget of 575.060 euros; is led by SIEMENS GAMESA (SGRE), which is the end user and validator of the project developments; they are also involved ACEMETAL, which has been in charge of developing the repair procedure using laser technology; TECDISMA, developing all the auxiliary movement elements to carry out the repairs; GALVENTUS, in charge of the repair process using polymer-based structural resins; and PULLTEC, wich has created the system for the automated and controlled application of the repair resins.

AIMEN, for its part, has contributed to the project with its advicing and colaboration to the companies of the consortium as an expert in laser processing of materials and in the design of components for laser systems. In addition, it has contributed to the development of new applications for polymer-based materials.

November 2017
